Yacht co-ownership for Millenials


co-ownership design to unlock a new boat market: Millenials


Nautikos, yacht distributor based in MX


Project lead and head designer for a team of 5, development of a user-focused strategy for a yacht co-owning service app.


How might we develop a conflict-less and indulging yacht co-owning experience and seamless yacht administration and operation.


Delivered an integrated branding, UX, front-end and operational strategy. Development of a platform for shared-use and administration of yachts. Users are able to visualize their available dates, swap them with other users, order supplies for their day trip, check in and check out and have updated information of the vessel's maintenance. Administrators are able to input data and manage dock tasks from a digital platform. 


Phase 1 : IDEATION -  during this phase we will create a visual identity, look and feel and User experience. Create the sitemap , design an efficient operational process, construct the wireframes and compose clear project for developers. This phase is being conducted alongside Felipa, a great creative studio that acts as our outsourced design team. 

Phase 2: ITERATION AND DEVELOPMENT - during this phase we will create the User Intefase and digital structure with an outsourced programming team , utilizing the wireframes and sitemap created on phase 1. 

Phase 3: TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION - this phase will provide information on operational and development improvements we will need to make before the process is up and running. Once the bugs are fixed, an implementation training will be conducted to make sure the process works seamlessly on the docks and in the platform. Maintenance and updates will be a continuous operation from then on. 

* These wireframes, structure and material are creative property of Felipa and Nautikos.