Three Musketeers Trike

One for all and all for one: a sustainable option for different kinds of motor skills
A wide range of adults, people who need extra stability, adults with Down syndrome and/or motor skill challenges, as well as people with full motor development can use this recycled-wood trike.
Solo designer, conducting research and human-centered design for Andy, and 18 year old woman with Down Syndrome.
How might we develop a transportation solution that can be used by people with different movement possibilities, encouraging the inclusion of all types of users.
A stable , recycled wood trike with a geometry that is extremely simple to adjust and manufacture, so it can be tailor-made to the user’s needs.
This trike in particular was made for Andy, an 18-year-old girl with Down syndrome, the frame was calculated for her measures so she could move safely and freely; this process can be replicated and adjusted to the user’s body and mobility.
The materials used can be re-sourced easily to reduce the footprint of manufacture.