Better aging at home through ethical AI and voice interactions

Care and connection through stories

As we become adult Children of Senior parents, there is a need to bridge day-to-day interactions and gameplan care as best as we can. Of the 53M Seniors in the US (projected to grow to 83M by 2050) 1 in 3 live alone , and 1 in 5 American adults care for a senior whilst living apart. The physical distance and reversal of care roles make supporting and going through aging challenging.

OMA leverages Voice Interactions and Ethical AI to amplify the interaction between seniors and their families, facilitating opportune insights and projecting better care through old age. Inciting storytelling and sharing through voice and visuals, OMA enriches family interactions with media and new facts, whilst delivering emotional and cognitive prompts to detect variance over time and project future care needs.

Designed for radical Usability,OMA can be used on Smart TVs, Home Voice Assistants, and Smartphones. Rooted on existing interaction mental models Senior users have with natural conversations, radio, and TV remote controls, OMA leverages emotion, orientation, and cognition recognition models to deliver private and ethical insights about aging to a close family circle.

Note : check out the full OMA incubation page, Industrial Design by Chris Barnes, special thanks to Diana Jeong Ro’s storytelling skills and Tomomi Iwamoto’s prototyping.